METRONO.ME interview with Fade Kainer 7/10/2010 |
Your name, name of projects, names of collaborators and age: Fade Kainer - Batillus, Inswarm, Statiqbloom, Love is Nothing. I'm a live member of Jarboe, and I remix a lot of other people. My old band was Still Life Decay. Birthplace and current place of residence Born in Langen,Germany, live in Brooklyn NY If you have specific collaborators, who are they? I've collaborated with Lee Bartow in Love is Nothing, & NTT/Inswarm songs What bands/projects are you currently in, and what is your history before these present groups musically/sonically? I'm currently
active in Batillus, Inswarm, Statiqbloom, and Love is Nothing, and a
live member of Jarboe. I've been in Industrial, doom, and darkwave bands
growing up in South Florida. Yes, Inswarm was a full band when it began, now it's just stripped down to two main people w/ a lot of electronics under the organic elements. Batillus was an instrumental band before I joined. What are the main themes or topics for your work? Spirituality / the lack of it / addiction / love / misanthropy/ hope / loss Describe your music/art. How do you describe your music to people? Depends on the
project, but I like to think that the element that I bring to each
project is similar, in that I bring a visually sonic element. As a teenager I was into Sabbath, Entombed, Ministry, Skinny Puppy, Tear Garden, Neurosis What's the first song you remember listening to or that sticks in your mind? Cat Stevens, I was 3yrs old. What are you currently listening to that you're really into? How did you find out about it? I've been listening to Lurker of Chalice, Yob & Wovenhand a lot lately. Who are your influences in general, musically and artistically? Skinny Puppy, Coil, Neubauten. What got you into making harsh noise and/or ambient in the first place? I got a cassette 4-track when I was 15 and I was really into hallucinogens, I would take records and run them through fx, and add drums on top and really try to make the most twisted music I could, mainly to entertain myself. Are your sounds deliberately composed, is your work abstract, or a combination of both? Both, I have a lot
of thoughts about how I want things to sound, but a lot of the best
stuff is accidental. Depends on the project, Statiqbloom is the only one that has pure improve elements. Could you briefly describe you music-making process? First trying to go to a place of no mind, then let creativity take over. Where do you record? In my rehearsal studio,
my bedroom studio, or in a pro studio w/ some of my bands. I'm constantly working on something. Who does your artwork? Depends on the
project, I do a lot of visual art as well, I paint. With the bands yes, with Statiqbloom no. What can you tell me about your instruments? Who makes them/designs them? I use and abuse a lot of stuff. I like stand alone units (synths, fx pedals, drum machines) I like to run things through a lot of things to process it, then sample it in the computer and then manipulate it more. What made you choose the particular pedals/effects/instruments you have now? The more they distort and destroy sounds the more I dig them. Are you subject to any kind of brand loyalty or will you play with whatever you come across/what is available? What ever sounds
good. I like this Jekyll
& Hyde overdrive /distortion a lot, but I like to distort things w/
signal overload into things. Where have you performed? All over the US ,
Europe, Japan. Anywhere that has a good PA, really its about the people, a good audience is what its about. Most embarrassing experience? Most awesome? I've had a few embarrassing moments, once i ripped my pants open on stage and had no underwear on, so I had to go behind the drummer and use gaffers tape to fix my pants, once in Marseilles, France, performing with Jarboe, the stage collapsed under me and I fell through it. Most awesome was playing to 10,000 people last year at Hellfest in France, and this year playing the Roadburn fest, sharing the stage w/ such awesome bands! What other live performances or events are you involved in? I compose music for
a modern dance company called Launch Movement. You can see it here..I
perform live w/ the dancers: I do a lot of freelance work now, audio engineering, & production stuff like building sets Have any hobbies like stamp collecting or knitting? Music keeps me busy. Do you play any other instruments besides
the one you play in your bands? I collect records,CDs and books. What are you cooking tonight? What did you eat today? What's your favorite food of all time? I had a fish dish
in Guatemala, it was Mahi Mahi with sundried tomatoes and a macadamia
nut crust..awesome! Coffee. Sushi. Cheese, fruit, almond milk, tortillas, half & half, coffee, peanut butter. What was the last book you read? Stillness Speaks by Ekhart Tolle. Do you watch TV or listen to the radio at all? Any favorite shows or broadcasts? I watch shows on Netflx, been watchin 30Rock Where do you go to discover new
sounds/music? Been to any good shows lately? Eyehategod, and the whole day at Roadburn was awsome. Yob, Goatsnake, Kylesa .. Describe a day in the life of Fade Kainer. Coffee first,
meditation, then either go to work or work on music at home, then bike
ride to rehearsal studio, band rehearsal , then maybe paint at night. My family has
always been supportive. Yes, my mom used to embarrass me by showing up
to my gigs wearing my metal shirts. There is no right
or wrong way in being creative, just do it I just finished an
album with Batillus called "Furnace" It was recorded by Sanford Parker.
We're looking for a label at the moment to release it. Batillus is
playing at The Cakeshop on thurs July 15th in NYC
Batillus on myspace |